Boštjan Koritnik

For the time being, I have taken over the (co-)care for the field of preschool education, education and digitization. Co-care because I realized that the colleagues in these fields are experts, that they know what (now our) common goal is, and also know how to achieve it without causing a revolution, there is only one head and two hands more, making work easier and perhaps faster for the already outstanding team. Talking about personal goals so early after just starting is very thankless. The primary objective is undoubtedly to help achieve the goals of those who are well-versed in their field of work. Because it is often not a question of what can be achieved theoretically but, above all, what is practically feasible under the given circumstances and for the given addressees. First of all, I would like to get well familiarized with the challenges, colleagues and particularities of the field. Initially, I will follow and help achieve the goals of the already outlined strategy, but eventually, I will undoubtedly add some of my own perspectives. But it is irresponsible for a person to enter an environment with the feeling – not to say megalomaniac delusion – that development begins with them. Especially in Ljubljana, which is recognized by everyone, foreign experts, visitors and, most importantly, its citizens, as having made an extraordinary breakthrough in all areas in the past 16 years. That's why I don't delude myself: surely, my colleagues have more to teach me than I do them, but new approaches and work methods can perhaps move things along a little faster. That is what, after all, every new, committed, motivated employee brings to the team. What I undoubtedly am. Especially because I love Ljubljana as my own home and the home of my children, of which I am very proud.