Monday, 2. 7. 2012

17th five cities tournament

Sunday 1 July 2012 saw the conclusion of the ‘17th Five Cities Tournament – Ljubljana 2012’, organised by the City of Ljubljana, the five cities being Budapest, Vienna, Bratislava, Ljubljana and Zagreb.

The Five Cities Tournament is a competition for young sportsmen and women from central European cities with no access to European level competitions in the current year. One of the main goals of the competition is for people to get to know one another, socialise, develop sporting and friendly relationships and get to know the host city. The young athletes competed in athletics, basketball, football, volleyball, table tennis and handball.

The opening ceremony of the ‘17th Five Cities Tournament - Ljubljana 2012’ took place outside Ljubljana City Hall at 8pm on Thursday 28 June 2012, where those gathered were addressed by Mayor Zoran Janković. A reception for the five cities’ delegation leaders followed in City Hall’s Central Atrium. The closing ceremony with prize-giving to the best individuals and teams was held at Ljubljana Castle at 8pm on Saturday 30 June. Cups were given to the best young sportsmen and women by Deputy Mayor Aleš Čerin.

You can find out more about the ‘17th Five Cities Tournament - Ljubljana 2012’ on the tournament’s official website.