Saturday, 27. 2. 2021

Again in 2020, Ljubljana received the »Tree City of the World« award

Ljubljana has once again been recognized as a »Tree City of the World« within the Tree Cities of the World program. The yearly recognitions are given by the Arbor Day Foundation and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), encouraging cities to take care of their trees.

Ljubljana received the »Tree City of the World« award last year (for 2019), and in 2020 we proved ourselves again and became one of 120 cities from 63 countries holding the title.

Thus, we have consolidated the position of a green capital in this important global network, where with our good practices and measures to take care of the city's trees and forests, we serve as a role model for many other cities. »Ljubljana's commitment to efficient urban forest management makes an important contribution to ensuring a better future for its residents,« the organizers stated at the award ceremony.