Wednesday, 12. 10. 2016

Circular Cities Network

On the invitation of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation Ljubljana joined the Circular Cities Network aimed at the exchange of good practices through a special web platform which can serve the cities as an inspiration for innovation in the field of the »zero waste« and circular economy.

Ellen MacArthur is a former professional sailor who in 2010 established the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, a charity organisation with the aim of accelerating the transition to the circular economy. The concept of circular economy has been developed in response to the pressure of the growing economy and consumption on limited resources and the burdened environment.
Resource efficiency and circular economy have been established as Europe’s developmental goals until 2030 and beyond through two strategic documents, namely, the Roadmap to a Resource Efficient Europe and EU’s 7th Environment Action Programme. In addition, the European Commission has published the package »Towards a Circular Economy: A Zero Waste Programme for Europe«.
Cities in the network take part in quarterly webinars which promote active dialogue with circular economy experts and the exchange of good practises and ideas between representatives of cities around the world. The first webinar, in which representatives of the City of Ljubljana also took part, was held on 6 October 2016, the next one is planned for January next year.
The website of the Circular Cities Network: