Friday, 8. 5. 2015

Construction Begins on the Islamic Cultural Centre

On 6 May 2015, Mayor Zoran Janković and mufti Nedžad Grabus poured in concrete for the foundation slab of the Islamic Cultural Centre.

The Islamic community in the Republic of Slovenia had to wait over 40 years for appropriate religious and cultural facilities to see the start of construction of the Islamic Cultural Centre in Ljubljana. The construction works contractor Gorenje projekt has already started the works.

Mayor Zoran Janković took this opportunity to emphasize that in his eyes the construction of the Islamic Cultural Centre is one of the key projects in Ljubljana as it reaffirms that Ljubljana is an open and tolerant city welcoming everyone regardless of their religious beliefs or views on life.
At the same time, the start of construction works proves that in Ljubljana we actually put our words into practice – we live together and respect the differences.