Wednesday, 22. 2. 2017

Continued activities for the preparation of the Comprehensive Transport Strategy

Within the framework of the preparation of the Comprehensive Transport Strategy of the City of Ljubljana the 2nd public web discussion and the workshop with chosen stakeholders have concluded, and the 3rd public web discussion is already underway.

Within the whole formation process of the Comprehensive Transport Strategy of the City of Ljubljana, active inclusion of the public is of great importance as Ljubljana’s citizens and visitors know best what they need and wish for, so by cooperating with us they can efficiently help us find better solutions for the traffic challenges. The preparation of the Comprehensive Transport Strategy of the City of Ljubljana started with an analysis of traffic conditions in which we included the public – we have received over thousand initiatives in the web discussion. Most of them are related to cycling (389), many of them also to walking (223) and motor traffic (236), while there were slightly fewer opinions on public passenger traffic (179) and still traffic (85). We have also published a web questioner on traffic you can fill out until mid-May at the website
The survey results currently show that the citizens of Ljubljana strongly support sustainable traffic planning. As many as 82% of respondents agree that Ljubljana’s traffic policy should »on one hand support the use of sustainable mobility modalities, such as walking, cycling and public transport, by restricting private motor traffic on the other hand«. Among proposed measures that could be carried out in the City of Ljubljana the measure »Renovation of bicycle lanes on Tržaška and Celovška and the construction of missing lanes on Dunajska, Masarykova, Dolenjska, Karlovška and Cesta ob dolenjski železnici« received the strongest support , namely, as many as 98% of respondents want to see it implemented. The feedback and proposals of the public helped us form the Vision of traffic development in Ljubljana, and in parallel, in cooperation with the expert public, representatives of different governmental, city, non-governmental and research institutions and organisations, we made a list of over fifty possible traffic development goals in Ljubljana. We linked these goals in their contents with data and opinions from public discussions, surveys and interviews and condensed them in four goal packages with the first package pertaining to walking, the second to cycling, the third to public transport and the fourth to motor traffic.
A public discussion is currently open at the Comprehensive Transport Strategy portal until the end of February and it is dedicated to checking goals – we would like to know with which goal the citizens of Ljubljana agree more, with which less and if they think an important goal is missing. We are going to use selected goals to develop measures which are going to be put to public discussion in March. Five public discussions are planned encompassing all 17 district communities, and they are going to be held in Bežigrad, Center, Moste, Šiška and Vič.