Thursday, 12. 9. 2019

Continued good cooperation with Moscow

On 10 September 2019, Mayor Zoran Janković and Mayor of Moscow Sergey Sobyanin signed the Programme of Cooperation between the Government of Moscow and the City of Ljubljana for 2019–2021.

This is the continuation of good cooperation between Ljubljana and Moscow based on the Protocol of Friendship and Cooperation between the cities signed in 2000.
In the Programme of Cooperation for 2019–2021 we defined following priority areas of cooperation: city administration and economy, science and entrepreneurship, culture and art, tourism, sports, education and social protection of citizens.
In the Programme of Cooperation we came to an agreement to carry out Ljubljana Days in Moscow in May next year and set other bilateral forms of cooperation between the cities.

Within the scope of the visit Mayor Zoran Janković attended the unveiling of the monument for Slovenes fallen on the Russian territory during the First and Second World War at the Victory Park in Moscow.