Wednesday, 18. 3. 2015

Culinary Exploration of Ljubljana

The Ljubljana Tourism is introducing new regular guided tours, which are themed by Ljubljana's cuisine – Taste Ljubljana from 1 April 2015. The visitors will get acquainted with the city's culinary offer and its historic tradition, while tasting the traditional dishes and beverages of Ljubljana.

The tour introduces the Ljubljana's culinary diversity – from the central market offer to tasting of typical Ljubljana dishes in six different restaurants or coffee-houses.

The collection of restaurants is diverse: from street food (Klobasarna) to a restaurant of a very special and historical concept (Pri Trubarjevi Mami), from examples of social entrepreneurship (Druga Violina) to a modern restaurant (Romansa). The Nebotičnik building will provide an excellent view and the Šnopcotecca will conclude the tour with a digestive.

The tour will include the market and the guides will point out market spaces in the history and culinary spots in Ljubljana's old city centre. The walk will continue to the Krakovo to view the gardens. This is one the rare tours, where guides take the guests beyond the Slovenska Cesta and present them a part of the city, which is usually not introduced (centre, Trubarjeva and Krakovo) and is in accordance with the tourist area expansion strategy.

Guided tours will be regular every Wednesday and Saturday at 12 a.m. (the starting point is located at the Ljubljana Tourism office, next to the Tromostovje bridges) and by appointment for groups. The Taste Ljubljana culinary tour is priced 30 EUR per person, which includes food, drinks and guidance.

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