Monday, 15. 9. 2014

Debut of city of ljubljana scholarship holder blaž završnik awarded

The 17th Festival of Slovenian Film (FSF) ended on Saturday, 13 September with the City of Ljubljana scholarship holder, Blaž Završnik receiving the audience award.

The 17 Festival of Slovenian Film (FSF) was opened by Blaž Završnik's feature debut "Pot v Raj" (Sailing to Paradise), which received the audience award at the closing ceremony on Saturday.

The leading actress and the City of Ljubljana scholarship holder, Ajda Smrekar, has been selected as the actress of the year by the Stop magazine.

Working on the creation of the film, alongside Blaž Završnik and Ajda Smrekar were also two more City of Ljubljana scholarship holders – Lev Predan Kowarski as director of photography and Lena Hribar as the group vocalist with the Abitanti Orchestra in the Morska Deklica (The Mermaid) song.

After 18 September the film Pot v Raj (Sailing to Paradise) will be available for viewing in Slovenian cinemas.

Sincere congratulations to the creative team of the film with wishes for many other opportunities in expressing your talents and the acquired knowledge.