Monday, 1. 12. 2014

December 2014 in ljubljana

This December Ljubljana will once again don a festive look on herself. The festive programme began on Wednesday, 3 December 2014 with the traditional festive lighting in the city.

The traditional part of the December programme are the St. Nicholas’s and Festive Fairs, St. Nicholas parade, the Good Fairy, performances of barrel organists on the streets and squares, the Christmas concert, five Father Frost processions with escort, street theatre performances, music programme at the squares of Ljubljana and the outdoor New Year’s Eve celebration with fireworks.

This year’s new feature in accordance with the European Green Capital 2016 title is towards sustainability oriented introduction of returnable packaging in the framework of fairs in December 2014 in Ljubljana. The aim is to reduce the quantity of returnable packaging and preserving a clean environment. To this end, we provided five thousand returnable ceramic cups to the caterers which will be offered to visitors of fairs for a fee of 2 EUR.

Two novelties are also a creative children’s workshop, Magical Forest, and New Year’s Eve for children.
This year’s main theme of the decoration that has for years been attracting numerous visitors from around Slovenia and abroad is entitled Space Toys. Zmago Modic, the author of the lighting installation, implements a new topic to the decoration design, that of intellect. This acts as a basis for mental and spiritual life as well as according to the artist’s words “a game with sudden shifts from line to ellipse, from circle to line”. This year’s decoration will be extremely dynamic. Geometric shapes will blend into one another, the stars will change into balls with which the tale of the universe will be given an interesting new continuation.

From 1 December 2014 up to and including 1 January 2015 visitors to the December events will be allowed free of charge parking at the Vodnik square: from Monday up to and including Friday between 18:30 PM and 5:00 AM, Saturdays from 18:30, and on Sundays and holidays the entire day until 5:00 AM the next morning.

Even regular guided tours of the city in December have a hint of the festive to them. The Tourism Ljubljana prepared a December tour of the festive decorated Ljubljana where one can experience a fairytale Ljubljana during an evening stroll, each day at 18:00 PM, with the start at the TIC on the Stritarjeva street.

You are kindly invited to the festive Ljubljana!

A detailed programme of the “December 2014 in Ljubljana” events has been published on the Tourism Ljubljana website.