Tuesday, 6. 12. 2016

December in Green Ljubljana

Ljubljana, European Green Capital 2016, has entered the last month of the green year, which is thematically dedicated to eco-innovations, green jobs and sustainable local governance.

In December, we highlight the importance of eco-innovations which can, with a fresh approach and new mindset, facilitate and speed up the path to a sustainable society in a simple manner. That includes new management, business in the manufacturing processes, products or services that prevent or significantly reduce environmental pollution.


The Municipality of Ljubljana in collaboration with different contractors offers various free-of-charge activities and events at the information point Točka.Zate.( Point.ForYou.) in front of the Town Hall and on many other locations around Ljubljana.

The programme is divided into several areas:
• Eco-innovative December celebrations
• Invasive plants and biodiversity in the light of eco-innovation (there is a presentation of the pilot project of processing Japanese knotweed into paper, which will be held on 14th December and is the result of excellent cooperation of five partners. On 9th December, the students of the Vič Grammar School will present the impact of resveratrol, a substance which can be obtained from the roots of Japanese knotweed, to the growth of cancerous cells, the students of the Secondary School for Graphic Design and Media in Ljubljana, will present the manufacture and properties of the recycled paper).
• Eco-innovation and sustainable mobility
• However, energy-efficient eco-innovation is not present only in the field of sustainable mobility. In December, it can be also found in the areas of construction, drinking water production (presentation of the research project Solar disinfectant by the students of the Vič Grammar School) and heating of water for sanitary purposes.
• Eco-innovation and reuse

Within the programme there is also a focus on:
• Exhibition Plaktivat: alternatives to consumerism, which will be on display at the Point.ForYou. from 12th to 19th December, is being set up by Umanotera and TAM-TAM. Within the exhibition there will be a round table discussion held on 14th December, Responsible Consumption: incentives from an urban poster, attended by the Slovenian photographer, traveller, journalist and supporter of the Plaktivat project, Arne Hodalič, the CEO of Umanotera, Gaja Brecelj, the CEO of TAM-TAM and initiator of the project Plaktivat, Thomas Drozg.
• From 19th to 21st December, the works of pupils of elementary schools Danile Kumar, Jože Moškrič, Livada and Spodnja Šiška will be on display in the Town Hall’s Historical Atrium, created within the pilot project Green City Design - I like helping to create a green city in 2016! These works show the innovative solutions in the field of sustainable development and eco-innovation, designed by the students of the sixth and seventh grade. The project was organized by the Municipality of Ljubljana and the Embassy of the United States of America, in participation with public companies, i.e. Energetika Ljubljana, Ljubljanski potniški promet (Ljubljana passenger transport), Snaga and Vodovod-Kanalizacija (waste management, sewer system and water supply), the institute Zavod 404 and Umanotera, Slovenian Foundation for Sustainable Development. The main sponsor of the exhibition and a media partner is the National Geographic Junior.

Point.ForYou. will be open between 10 am and 6 pm during the merry month of December. On Saturday 24th and on 31st December, it will be open from 10 am to 3 pm, and closed on Sunday 25th and Monday 26th December.
You are invited to follow the programme and detailed information about individual events on the interactive website www.greenljubljana.com or information point Point.ForYou. in front of the Town Hall.

District communities –  European Green Capital 2016 ambassadors

Ljubljana district communities are actively involved in the Green Capital programme, since each of them has been a green ambassador for three weeks this year. The current ambassador Šiška will pass the title to Sostro district on 10th December, and will prepare several interesting events until then.

The closing ceremony of the European Green Capital 2016

Intensively green-coloured year in Ljubljana will be concluded on 2nd January 2017 at 8 pm, in the Congress Square, where the final event ZELENA NOČ.ZATE (GreenNight.ForYou.) will be organized, with the performing guest Perpetuum Jazzile.