Tuesday, 25. 4. 2017

EUSA for a well maintained Ljubljana

In mid-April, members of EUSE, European University Sports Association, painted the sidewalk poles in front of the Poljane Primary School within the framework of their socially responsible activities.

EUSA, bringing together National University Sports Associations from 45 European countries, has its headquarters in Ljubljana, and its socially responsible activities are a constituent part of its strategy demonstrated in relation to its members as well as to the wider social environment.

This time the EUSE members addressed the appearance of the posts on the sidewalk of Zdravstvena pot in front of the Poljane Primary School and by doing so contributing their share to the greener and well maintained Ljubljana.

IMG 3874

The City of Ljubljana welcomes the campaign as we gladly accept any contribution of individuals or organisations towards a more beautiful and well maintained image of our city.