Wednesday, 29. 6. 2022

Finding refreshment in the city

Even in Ljubljana, the effects of heat can be alleviated on hot summer days. Visit one of the children's playgrounds, which are shaded by trees, quench your thirst at the drinking fountains, and you can also find refreshment right in the middle of Prešeren Square.

Where to the playground?

There are quite a few children's playgrounds scattered around Ljubljana, where trees provide shade, making it more pleasant to spend time there on hot days and play on high-quality playground equipment. The most popular »summer« playground surrounded by mighty trees is in Kodeljevo Park. An even larger playground with enough shade is also the one in the Slovenian Reformation Park, but you can also find shade at several smaller playgrounds at the following locations: Brajnikova ulica, Črtomirova ulica, Zajčja dobrava, Bloudkov park 1, Zaloška cesta, Adamičeva ulica 6, Šišenska ulica, Ulica Kneza Koclja, Celovška cesta 106, Na jami (three playgrounds), Kumrovška ulica, Tesovnikova ulica, Lubejeva ulica, Hotel Park and Luize Pesjakove ulica.

180523 otovoritev Parka Kodeljevo nrovan 32

All public children's playgrounds in the city are accessible to everyone free of charge, and they are equipped with certified playground equipment, all in line with valid standards for safe children's play. The equipment is resistant to both winter cold and summer heat.

Water at every step

Sufficient hydration is very important in the summer heat. As many as 51 drinking fountains are distributed throughout the city, in recreational and green areas and near children's playgrounds, where you can refresh yourself with high-quality drinking water. This year, we installed three new drinking fountains, which can be found on the renovated Youth Work Brigades Square, in Tivoli Park near the mini-golf course and on the street Cesta v Gorice.

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As drinking fountains are used by a large number of people and they are also exposed to weather conditions and vandalism and are accessible to animals, check that the drinking fountain is undamaged and clean before using it. In case of any peculiarities in its operation, please report it to the toll-free number 080 86 52 or to the e-mail address

A forest in the middle of the city

Shelter from the heat can also be found in city forests, parks and other green areas, which are not lacking in Ljubljana. You are invited to take a walk to Rožnik, Šišenski hrib, Mostec, Zajčja dobrava or to Golovec and Šmarna gora. You will also find plenty of shade in the largest city park, Tivoli, and in other green spaces that are only a few steps away.

Let's go to the swimming pool

You can swim at Kolezija from Monday to Friday from 6:00 to 22:00, and on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays from 9:00 to 22:00. The swimming pool includes an Olympic and children's pool, a peddle pool, a massage pool and a poolside platform with wooden decks. Next to the swimming pools, there are also sports and recreation areas, table tennis tables, a basketball court and a beach volleyball court.

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The Kodeljevo swimming pool complex is open from Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 19:00, and on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays from 9:00 to 20:00.

The complex has swimming pools and a children's pool. There are stands next to the Olympic swimming pool, and the complex also has a children's playground and grassy areas for ball games.

Refreshment by the water

You can also find refreshment by the Ljubljanica and Sava rivers, where we manage the Sava and Muste beaches.

190426 Park Muste Helena Regina 22

An area with its own weather

Again this summer, refreshing »rain« will fall over Prešeren Square. It is an art installation that was presented by artist Zmago Modic years ago and has become a popular spot where especially children, as well as tourists and residents, like to seek refreshment.