Wednesday, 4. 6. 2014

Flooded areas aid

Following the catastrophic floods in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Croatia in May, Ljubljana has come together in helping those affected. We have collected over 200,000 Euro.

Numerous individuals and organisations have set up events to bring aid to flood victims, and the peak of charity was the big charity concert at the Kongresni Trg square on 3 June 2014. The event was organised voluntarily and it featured over 40 musicians from the former Yugoslavia.
Several tugs by the Slovenian Red Cross were parked on the Slovenska Cesta during the concert to collect material contributions to those affected by the floods.

The concert raised 60,000 Euro from tickets, almost 43,000 Euro from text messages by the data from to the Red Cross, and approximately 6 tons of material means – mostly blankets, hygienic necessities and food.

The City of Ljubljana has dispatched the units of Public Fire-Fighting Service on 17 May 2014, and 58 members of protection and rescue of the City of Ljubljana and the Public Company Vodovod-Kanalizacija have travelled to Bijeljina on 28 May 2014.

The City of Ljubljana has sent financial aid of 20,000 Euro to its sister cities. At the same time, the Mayor of Ljubljana, Zoran Janković, addressed the City Council of City of Ljubljana with a call for help to bring aid, and a special subaccount was created for transaction of aid for flood victims. The amount of raised donation of our public companies and institutions, co-workers, day-care centres, City Council trade union and others is as high as 90,000 Euro to this day.

The Mayor, Zoran Janković, has requested information from the Prime Ministers of Croatia, Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina on the most needed areas to send financial donations.