Tuesday, 22. 3. 2016

For a Beautiful and Green Ljubljana

Again this year between 22 March, World Water day, and 22 April, World Earth Day, the traditional spring cleaning campaign For a More Beautiful Ljubljana (Za lepšo Ljubljano) is in progress in Ljubljana.

22 March, World Water Day

The campaign For a More Beautiful Ljubljana traditionally starts on the World Water Day and the VO KA public company (JP Vodovod-Kanalizacija) is – in addition to the activities planned until the end of March within the framework of the European Green Capital 2016 programme at the information office Point.For you. in front of the City Hall with the common thread of responsible water management – preparing numerous events aimed at emphasizing the significance of natural drinking water and promoting drinking tap water. The slogan of the activities is »I am what I drink. I drink water from the tap.« (Sem, kar pijem. Pijem vodo iz pipe.). As part of the campaign For a More Beautiful Ljubljana, the public company VO-KA is going to remove dozens of sick or damaged trees in the protected zones of the water treatment facilities Kleče and Šentvid, and replace them with over 120 saplings of native Slovenian species of wild cherry, walnut and oak trees, which are resistant to pests.
In the beginning of April the company is planning all-day activities to promote tap water drinking and within their scope passers-by will be able to pour themselves tap water with just their thoughts. The innovative device enabling this uses neurotechnology to measure brain activity.
In addition, in the spring months the VO-KA public company is opening a photo competition within the framework of #Primavoda with the aim of encouraging capturing water images. Selected photos are going to be on display at the open-air gallery along Jakopič Promenade.
The website www.primavoda.si has also been renovated and is featuring educational articles on water as well as tips and applications with contents that actively engage the user.

The Ljubljana Castle is marking this year’s World Water Day with an interesting brochure Castle Wells written by the conservator Dušan Kramberger. Namely, there are four water wells or reservoirs preserved at the Ljubljana Castle: water reservoirs in the courtyard and in front of the Palatium, the water well in front of the Pentagonal Tower and the well with a walking drive wheel in front of the Ljubljana Castle. On the one hand, these wells represent a valuable archaeological resource, and on the other, they are creations in which the established technical principles and laws are closely interwoven with the personal creativity of the constructors. In parallel with historical and technical characteristics of individual wells, the brochure presents interesting facts and legends that have, through the centuries, been woven around these local sources of life. Namely, for castle dwellers reliable water supply was just as important as protection against the enemy.

Tree planting campaign

On 2 April 2016, within the scope of the campaign For a More Beautiful Ljubljana the second tree planting is planned involving the staff of the city administration, public institutes and companies under the City of Ljubljana. Last year over 4,000 trees were planted and the goal is to plant 12,089 trees, one for each member of the big city family.
Trees are going to be planted at three locations – Golovec, Toško čelo and Medno. These areas ware devastated by glazed ice in 2014 and last year the damaged coniferous trees suffered a massive attack from bark beetles that increased the damage. Planting areas were proposed by the Slovenia Forest Service, namely, at these locations natural regeneration is not strong enough and therefore reforestation is necessary.

Japanese knotweed removal

On 23 April 2016, the Department for Environmental Protection and the Slovenian Geocaching Club are organising Japanese knotweed removal at RIC Sava (recreational and educational area). The clean-up starts at 15.00 at the parking area next to the tennis courts at the Črnuče Bridge and is expected to conclude in two hours. Japanese knotweed is on the list of 100 most invasive non-native species worldwide. The removed Japanese knotweed is going to be processed into paper instead of being incinerated.

The castle vineyard

As part of the green year Ljubljana is also getting its own vineyard. On 21 April 2016, the last grapevines of the castle vineyard are going to be planted on the southern slope of the Castle Hill; in total, over thousand vines are going to be planted there. This will validate yet another title Ljubljana is proud to hold, namely, »The City of Vine and Wine«, awarded to our capital by the international wine association from Paris Ville Internationale de la Vigne et du Vin.

Cleaning campaigns For a More Beautiful Ljubljana 2016

Until 22 April, the Snaga public company is providing permanent on-call teams responding to requests, either in person or over the phone, from participants of the cleaning campaigns. 8,000 plastic bags and 8,000 disposable gloves are going to be at disposal.
At district community headquarters the Office for Local Self-Government is giving out bags and gloves to individuals, associations and other organised groups involved in the clean-ups. The districts themselves are also organizing a number of cleaning activities during the campaign For a More Beautiful Ljubljana.

Traditional Ljubljanica clean-up

On Saturday, 23 April, the Tourism Ljubljana public institute and the Vivera Society for Underwater Activities are organizing the main event – the traditional cleaning of the Ljubljanica River from Špica to the Dragon’s Bridge. This is the 25th consecutive year the campaign has been organised and it has become a very popular tourist event alongside its ecological mission. Taking part in it are divers, members of the Vivera Society for Underwater Activities and other diving clubs affiliated with the Slovenian Diving Association, as well as other associations – environmental protection organisations, fishing societies, fire brigades, boating societies, rescue services... Cultural activities are planned along the Ljubljanica River and in the city centre, and passers-by are going to receive flowers as a token of appreciation for their concern for a clean environment.

Cleaning campaigns are a pleasant and healthy form of socialising, and at the same time they are raising awareness on waste management and encouraging a positive attitude towards the environment.

Join the campaign For a More Beautiful Ljubljana!