Monday, 27. 6. 2016

Golden Apple for Ljubljana

In the year when it holds the title European Green Capital Ljubljana also won the Golden Apple Award (La Pomme d'Or), the highest recognition of the World Federation of Travel Journalists and Writers (FIJET).

The Golden Apple Award is conferred by the World Federation of Travel Journalists and Writers as recognition for outstanding achievements in tourism development, preservation of cultural, natural and historical heritage, its inclusion into tourist services and for prominent cases where sustainable development principles are used in tourism. The recognition of the international expert community serves as another confirmation that our city is on the right path and that its services are of high quality.

Since 1970 FIJET has presented awards to 47 organisations, countries, cities, companies and individuals. The proposal for awarding Ljubljana with the Golden Apple was submitted by FIJET – Slovenian Travel Journalists’ Association. Ljubljana was then evaluated, along with other proposals, by the Golden Apple Award Committee at the FIJET world federation and subsequently confirmed as the final winner by the FIJET Council of Directors of National Tourism Organisations comprised of over 20 renowned travel journalists from around the world.

On Saturday, 25 June 2016, the day after the award ceremony, in honour of the award Mayor Zoran Janković and the members of FIJET Slovenia planted a local apple tree variety at the Šmartinska Park to remind the citizens of the award received.