Monday, 24. 10. 2016

Golden Drum in Ljubljana

This year the 23rd International Festival of Creativity Golden Drum has moved from Portorož to Ljubljana. It was held at the Ljubljana Castle between 18 and 21 October 2016.

The new host of the festival Ljubljana, European Green Capital 2016, as the original city of urban creativity, culture, tradition and competence, dotted with picturesque and pleasant spots, took over the responsibility to »Inspire to inspire«. Namely, that was the slogan of this year’s Golden Drum which together with remarkable speakers, among them Cindy Gallop, revamped the programme of the competition. By doing so, the organisers wanted to attract fresh ideas, daring approaches and solutions, indicating new trends, and by introducing new awards promote regional creativity and put local inspiration in the forefront.
The Golden Drum attracted to Ljubljana the high society of the world of marketing and creativity from 37 countries of the so-called »New Europe«, presenting a great opportunity for additional destination promotion. Due to its orderliness and attractive architecture with a romantic note, the Slovenian capital has been for many years now a popular location for filming advertisements for foreign clients. Quality advertisements act as postcards virally spreading on the internet and thus contributing to the recognisability of the city abroad.
Ljubljana Tourism introduced the participants of the festival to a selection of traditional dishes from Ljubljana, Tastes of Ljubljana, so they could see Ljubljana as a culinary capital and come back in future.
Within the framework of the festival, the Slovenian Advertising Chamber together with the City of Ljubljana organised the competition »Ljubljana Poster Award« for the best and most creative poster on the topic »The city of Ljubljana is green, for you. Get active, get fit.«, intended for young creatives under the age of 30.
The aim of the competition is to present Ljubljana on a poster as a city of sports on numerous green surfaces and to encourage the residents and visitors to participate in sports activities in nature.
The first place went to Tsvetan Aleksandrov for his work titled Ljubljana is sport, the second to Dijana Dimitrievska, Denica Bojarovska and Nino Ilievski for their work titled BeTheBeat_mockup, and the third to Dijana Dimitrievska for her work titled We are one.