Wednesday, 7. 9. 2016

Green Ljubljana Ambassadors

Ljubljana, European Green Capital 2016, is presenting the last six Green Ljubljana Ambassadors, who convinced the expert jury with their view of the Green Ljubljana. So this year’s European Green Capital is represented by 23 Green Ambassadors altogether.

In spring, within the framework of the European Green Capital 2016, we invited the residents and visitors of Ljubljana to become ambassadors of the green Ljubljana. Over 100 individuals responded to our invitation and among them we have chosen 12 to represent our green capital with pleasure and pride. Now we are presenting the second half of the selected ambassadors: Darja Virjent and her daughter Ava Marinček Virjent, Elena Ocenic, Elizabeta and Mitar Majkič, Evelina Žefran, Petra Koritnik and Žiga Vehovec.
You can see their presentation here and the programme, activities and events of the green year are available on the interactive website

Green Ljubljana Ambassadors
Green Ljubljana is represented by as many as 23 ambassadors, namely, in addition to the 12 ambassadors chosen among the residents of the city there are also 11 notable residents of Ljubljana and members of the City Administration as well as public companies and institutes under the City of Ljubljana.