Tuesday, 6. 9. 2016

Health Profile of the City of Ljubljana

The City of Ljubljana is presenting the brochure Health Profile of the City of Ljubljana with the main purpose of raising awareness and informing the public on the importance of public health.

The health profile of the City of Ljubljana has been produced at the Faculty of Social Work to ascertain how public health policies are reflected in the everyday life of citizens. Their opinion is important in co-creating quality services and programmes at various levels of ensuring health, therefore the City of Ljubljana intends to repeat this research and produce a health profile every several years.

It is important to recognise that the environment and living conditions also have an influence on physical and mental health. These are social determinants of health which include housing conditions, access to basic infrastructure (clean drinking water, local public transport, heating, etc.) and to quality health and other services.

At individual level health is impacted by lifestyle (smoking, drinking alcohol, diet, exercise) and personal networks which include ties in the family, between friends and participation in the community in which people live.

The research was conducted by Vesna Leskošek, Nino Rode, Romana Zidar and Tamara Rape Žiberna from the Faculty of Social Work, University of Ljubljana. Some of the data came directly from the National Institute of Public Health.

On the occasion of the publication of the brochure a round table was held at the City Hall, moderated by Ada Hočevar Grom from the National Institute of Public Health, with Dr Vesna Leskošek (Dean of the Faculty of Social Work), Dr Antonija Susič Poplas (Medical Director of the Community Health Centre Ljubljana), Franc Zalar (Director of the Association for Cardiovascular Health Slovenia) and Sašo Rink (Director of the Public Housing Fund of the City of Ljubljana). The round table focused on activities for better health of residents which are conducted in Ljubljana and with which the City of Ljubljana is promoting health as a value.