Tuesday, 10. 5. 2016

Highest Awards of the City of Ljubljana

On 9 May 2015, the City Holiday, Mayor Zoran Janković presented the highest recognitions of the City of Ljubljana at the Ljubljana Castle. The academic painter and illustrator Jelka Reichman and the poet, translator, politician, partisan and academic Ciril Zlobec were declared Honorary Citizens.

The title Honorary Citizen of the City of Ljubljana was awarded to the academic painter and illustrator Jelka Reichman
with admiration for her majestic opus of illustrations, primal images of the child’s soul experiencing the surrounding people, animals, with the bright-eyed cat Muri as their leader, plants and toys in a sphere of longing, playfulness and enchanting beauty in a limitless world of eternal childhood. Ljubljana expresses its deep gratitude to the legendary artist, crowned with numerous professional and other awards, who with her lively spiritual childhood preserves the miraculous parts of the world in all generations accompanying them on their life path, and especially for the healing scenes on the façade of the Pediatric Clinic Ljubljana which are bringing comfort to children.

The title Honorary Citizen of the City of Ljubljana was awarded to the poet, translator, politician, partisan and academic Ciril Zlobec
as a bow to the artist’s rich opus of poetry and translations permeated with vivacious and strong love for life, the Slovenian country and its language, for which he also staked his political authority. The heroic fighter for the liberation of the Littoral region and the Slovenian nation from Fascism and Nazism in the Second World War. Ljubljana bows to the artist who has, as one of the most translated Slovenian poets, forged friendly ties with great minds around the world and received the highest public recognitions for his work, as well as to the wisdom and the beauty of his widely popular personality.

The City of Ljubljana Awards 2016 were presented to: 
- Professor, journalist, publicist and intellectual Manca Košir, Prof Dr,
- Actress Ivanka Mežan,
- Director and scriptwriter Igor Šterk,
- Long-standing editor in the Fiction Programme Editorial Office at Radio Slovenia Aleš Jan, Prof,
- Director of the Ljubljana City Library Jelka Gazvoda, MA.

The City of Ljubljana Plaques 2016 were presented to: 
- Civil engineer, notable member of the society and all-around sports enthusiast Alojzij Juvanc, Assist Prof Dr,
- Slovenian music legend and UNICEF Ambassador Lado Leskovar,
- Doctor, humanitarian and tireless researcher of Slovenian history Andrej Rant, DMD,
- Society for Victims of Crime Beli obroč Slovenije,
- Voluntary organisation for strengthening ties between nations, the Slovenia-Russia Association,
- Legendary Slovenian rock band Buldožer,
- Historical witness and reminder – Camp Committee Ravensbrück-Auschwitz.