Thursday, 25. 8. 2016

Inadmissible Acts of Vandalism in the Public Orchard of the City of Ljubljana

Unknown vandals have damaged the public orchard of the City Municipality of Ljubljana, which is settled on Grba. They destroyed most of the seedlings planted last year and caused damage to property in amount of about 2,000 EUR. The City of Ljubljana strongly condemns any acts of vandalism and calls for respect of common public space.

The fruit from the public orchard which was planted last year will be available to all residents and visitors of Ljubljana, so the question is raised of whether the individuals, who have intentionally caused the damage, are aware that the damage has been done to them as well, as the fertility of individual trees will be postponed for at least two years as the result of damage to seedlings. The City Municipality of Ljubljana therefore once again calls for respect and care for our environment and common property, because this is the only way to ensure a landscaped environment and a high quality of life in our city.
The City Municipality of Ljubljana has reported the vandalism to the Vič police station, and maintenance work will be carried out to eliminate the damage to the orchard.

The City Municipality of Ljubljana strongly condemns the devastation of orchards and all forms of vandalism, in which individuals destroy our shared public space. Ljubljana is a wonderful, orderly, clean and safe city, and this year's the European Green Capital, and we want it to stay that way. Last year we therefore launched a socially responsible campaign against vandalism »Man, take care of your city« as a strong message that vandalism is unacceptable and to stress the importance of respecting our common public space.
The basic objective of the campaign, which last year focused on prohibited graffiti writings and this year on picking up dog waste and throwing away chewing gum into garbage bins, is to reduce all forms of vandalism to the lowest possible level, to increase the sense of security in the city, to raise awareness among the citizens of Ljubljana regarding the damage caused by vandalism, how to contribute to its reduction and, last but not least, its consequential costs. The money from the city budged spent on repairing vandalism damage could be invested into more useful projects for the improvement of the quality of life of our citizens.