Thursday, 3. 12. 2020

International Day of Persons with Disabilities – let us build a better future

On 3 December we are marking the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. The main purpose of this day is awareness raising about rights, better understanding and the necessity of including people with disabilities in the society.

In Ljubljana we are actively and ardently addressing the needs of people with disabilities and investing a lot of effort in making sure our city is friendly and accessible to all. On public traffic surfaces we are removing obstacles by lowering pavement kerbs and setting up tactile markings for the blind and visually impaired. Most public toilet facilities are accessible as well as an increasing number of outdoor recreational surfaces and public children’s playgrounds. In the area of the strict city centre, where motorized traffic is mostly prohibited, free-of-charge transportation with electric vehicles Kavalir is available, and the public passenger transport elsewhere is provided with modern low-floor buses.

The accessibility of public services is ensured by setting up devices for modified information transfer, awarding adapted non-profit rental apartments, individualized programmes and aids in kindergartens and primary schools, ensuring tailored cultural content in our cultural institutions, co‑financing numerous projects and programmes carried out by non-governmental disabled people’s organisations. The official website of the city is in conformity with the international guidelines for web content accessibility, and it also includes a portal for submitting initiatives and questions.

As in the past years and in the current circumstances, when COVID-19 restrictions are hindering especially the most vulnerable among us, we are going to continue giving support to the ones who need it most and introduce solutions which will make it possible for everyone to have access to and participate in different areas of life in the city.