Saturday, 15. 10. 2016

International White Cane Day

On 15 October we mark the International White Cane Day as the main orientation aid used by the blind and the visually impaired. It is estimated that eight to ten thousand people in Slovenia have profound visual impairments, and as many as 30 to 40 thousand people have serious impairments.

By using the white cane the blind and the visually impaired detect and recognise objects in the environment, obstacles, surface structure and other things, and the cane serves as their symbol making them recognisable in traffic. In addition, with the purpose of aiding orientation and increasing the ability to move around freely on public surfaces, tactile ground surface indicators and tactile paths are designed for the blind and visually impaired, using the white cane or not. They complement the basic surface structure, where necessary, they consist of a series of blisters or bars raised a few millimetres above the surface and they are assigned a specific meaning: the blister paving warns and informs, while the corduroy paving with bars directs, guides or blocks.
In Ljubljana tactile indicators and paths, in line with the Instructions for Traffic Planning in the City of Ljubljana and the comprehensive Tactile Ground Guidance System Plan for the Visually Impaired in the Strict City Centre of Ljubljana, are being gradually installed and maintained since 2012.
The plan provides for the set up on routes in the city centre which are most frequented by potential users in their everyday lives. Each route is connected to city passenger traffic stops which, with modern low-floor city buses with audio and video bus stop announcements, sensibly complement the city traffic network which is accessible to all.

Locations of some tactile paths in Ljubljana are: Breg (embankment), Čopova ulica (Čop Street), Prešernov trg (Prešern Square), Cankarjeva cesta (Cankar Street), Slovenska cesta (Slovenska Street), Cankarjevo nabrežje (Cankar Embankment), Roška cesta (Rog Street), Vič (the area between Tržaška cesta (Trieste Street), Jamova cesta (Jama Street), Langusova cesta (Langus Street) and Groharjeva cesta (Grohar Street)) and Tivoli Park (the circular path, the new parking lot at Tivoli – the pool).