Tuesday, 6. 10. 2015

Janez Levec Center recognised for special achievements

On 5 October 2015, the Centre for training, education and schooling Janez Levec Ljubljana received the highest award of the Republic of Slovenia for exceptional achievements in the field of education of children with special needs in 2015.

The Janez Levec Centre has a modified primary school programme which in 2011 celebrated its 100th anniversary. It has a very special role as it contributes significantly to the sensitivity of the public and the professional development in recognising children with special needs and working with them. Alongside students involved in school activities the specialised mobile pedagogical service of the Centre is providing additional professional assistance to special needs children who are enrolled in regular departments in all primary schools in Ljubljana.

In 2013, in cooperation with the City of Ljubljana an Educational Centre model was developed to support the education and schooling of special needs children in kindergartens and schools in the City of Ljubljana. A year later through her work with special needs children Maša Tkavc, a special education teacher from the Janez Levec Centre, came up with an idea to issue cards for people with autism and Asperger syndrome, and by doing so became »The Name of 2014« (Ime leta 2014) at the radio station Val 202. With the support of the City of Ljubljana the Janez Levec Centre published an original Slovenian book by Alenka Klemenc about a boy with Asperger’s »What is it like to be me« (Kako je biti jaz) and organised a discussion with a renowned expert on Asperger syndrome and autism spectrum disorders dr. Tony Attwood.
In 2007, the Centre organised the International Festival Year »Play With Me« (Igraj se z mano), which was this year in cooperation with the Association of Inclusive Culture held for the ninth time with events all over Slovenia.
This year two innovative projects from the Janez Levec Centre came to life: the bakery Janez at Work (Janez dela) and Janez’s Hostel (Hostel pri Janezu) helping children and the youth with special needs to be equally included in society and to use their knowledge and competences.