Tuesday, 5. 7. 2016

July, Biodiversity and Bee Month

Ljubljana, European Green Capital 2016, has entered into the seventh month of the green year, the theme of which is biodiversity and bees. We are also introducing the first six ambassadors of the green Ljubljana.

Point.For you.

The July programme at the Point.For you. is very diversified, namely, its visitors can get to know the fauna and flora in Ljubljana ranging from butterflies, bats, amphibians, birds and wild pollinators to bees. Practical workshops are going to be held at the information point and at other locations were children and adults can learn how to make nesting boxes for birds, homes for wild bees and bumblebees, a herbarium and many other thigs.
Market days are going to liven up Saturdays giving the citizen the opportunity to buy high-quality certified Ljubljana Castle honey for the autumn months and as part of the programme three most bee-friendly municipalities in 2015 are going to be presented to the passers-by – the City of Ljubljana, Idrija and Laško.
Last year, within the framework of the European Green Capital activities, the Bee Path came to live in Ljubljana, connecting 29 different producers of honey and honey products. You can learn about the Honey Path in more detail during presentations at the information office Point.For you. where activities with regard to setting up apiaries on the land owned by the City of Ljubljana are going to be presented, as well. The students of the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Ljubljana have also prepared proposals for apiaries in cooperation with the Municipality of Ljubljana, and they are going to be on display at the information office Point.For you. between 14 and 17 July.
Within the scope of the July programme you are invited to another exhibition – from 18 till 31 June, an exhibition on biodiversity in Ljubljana titled »Their home does not have a house number - wild plants and animals in the Ljubljana region« (»Njihov dom nima hišne številke - prostoživeče rastline in živali na Ljubljanskem«) is open at the City Hall.

During the summer months the information office Point. For you. is open every day from 10.00 till 20.00.
The programme and detailed information about individual events are available in the Events section of the website www.greenljubljana.com and at the information office Point.For you. in front of the City Hall.

District communities – European Green Capital 2016 ambassadors

Ljubljana’s district communities are also actively participating in the programme of the green capital, namely, till the end of the year each one is going to serve as a green ambassador for three weeks. The current ambassador is the district community Rudnik which is passing the baton to the district community Rožnik on 18 July.
Both district communities are preparing activities at the information office Point. For you. and numerous other events.

Green Ljubljana Ambassadors

In spring, within the framework of the European Green Capital 2016 project, we invited citizens of Ljubljana to be ambassadors of the green Ljubljana. Over hundred individuals responded to our call and among them we chose twelve to represent our green capital with pleasure and pride. Now we are introducing the first six whose views of the green Ljubljana and its presentation to the world convinced the expert jury.
These are Tanja Njegovan, Silvija Pavčič, Nika Bosnič, Nada Tarman, Miha Pongrac together with Filip Kržišnik, and Blaž Slanič. Their faces are going to serve as additional promotion of Ljubljana, this year’s European Green Capital. The remaining six ambassadors are going to be introduced to the public in autumn.

You are invited to follow the programme, activities and events of the green year on the interactive website www.greenljubljana.com.