Friday, 6. 6. 2014

Koseški bajer educational trail

The educational trail at Koseški Bajer (Koseze Pond) was brought to life on 5 June, the World Environment Day.

Koseški Bajer is a popular recreational spot for Ljubljana citizens, even more so after the renovation of the Bajer embankments and surfaces for exercising and strolling. At the same time it is a very important habitat of many animal and plant species.

The Bajer educational trail is filled with details on wetlands, such as the Koseški Bajer and the floodplain forest along the path, and their role in the environment. The trail presents the Bajer inhabitants – birds, fish and amphibians. At the end, the trail informs you about the invasive non-native species of animals and plants, which are supplanting our autochthonous species even at the Koseški Bajer.

The educational trail was designed by the City of Ljubljana in collaboration with the DOPPS BirdLife Slovenia.