Friday, 18. 12. 2015

LGBT-Friendly Certificates awarded

On 17 December 2015, the City of Ljubljana awarded the LGBT-Friendly Certificate to nine organisations.

The City of Ljubljana is focusing its activities on different vulnerable groups such as the LGBT community. In the Strategy for the Development of Social Care in the City of Ljubljana from 2013 to 2020 adopted by the City Council of the City of Ljubljana in March 2013 we also committed ourselves to support social protection programmes for LGBT people and to endorse awareness-raising programmes for public service employees.
As we want to raise awareness in a broader scope we started the project LGBT-Friendly Certificate in cooperation with nongovernmental organisations in which all interested public and private organisations as well as companies can participate. The aim of the project is above all awareness-raising on the LGBT issue and creating a positive climate in the working environment and towards customers.
Awareness-raising is carried out through management training in individual organisations and transfer of acquired knowledge to the employees.
The recipients of the certificate commit themselves to guarantee the following within their organisation:
• better understanding of fundamental human rights of LGBT people;
• inclusive environment for LGBT staff;
• awareness-raising among its staff regarding offers and services provided to LGBT users;
• increased sensitivity in detecting violations of rights of LGBT people in the working and user environment.

The LGBT-friendly certificate was already awarded to the City Administration of the City of Ljubljana, Community Heath Centre Ljubljana, Home Care Institute Ljubljana, Public Housing Fund of the City of Ljubljana, National Institute of Public Health of the Republic of Slovenia, and the new recipients of the certificate are:
- Ljubljana Castle,
- Snaga d.o.o.,
- Ljubljana Tourism,
- Kinodvor,
- Little Street – Centre for Children and Families in Ljubljana,
- Mladinsko Theatre,
- France Bevk Primary School,
- Radio Kaos,
- Public Holding Ljubljana.

Details on the LGBT-Friendly Certificate are available here.