Wednesday, 21. 6. 2017

Live statue of Jože Plečnik

This year we are commemorating the 145th anniversary of birth and the 60th anniversary of death of the great architect Jože Plečnik. This summer the anniversaries are going to be marked also with a life statue of Jože Plečnik at the Breg embankment.

Bojana Planina from Studio Mozaik came up with the idea for a live statue, while costume designer and make-up artist Meta Megušar Bizjan and Irena Tozon Mrhar were responsible for the execution. The whole costume is a replica of master Plečnik’s personal clothing items, reproduced from original clothing displayed at Plečnik House. The fabric is treated with different materials (rubber, acrylic and other paints) and then bronzed, just like the mask of the interpreter with moustache, beard, glasses and a cane. The interpreter has to match master Plečnik’s physique (body height, shape) and reflect Plečnik’s character. The statue stands on a pedestal with the inscription JOŽE PLEČNIK, arhitekt/architect. And so the appearance and the interpretation of character should be as true as possible to master Plečnik’s likeness. Authors and performers are bound to professionalism and accountability therefore the live statue of Jože Plečnik is presented in an appealing and respectful way with.

The performers of this year’s erection are students from the Secondary Preschool Education and Gymnasium Ljubljana (Srednja vzgojiteljska šola in gimnazija Ljubljana), studying drama theatre at the art gymnasium, Aleš Ljoljo in Jernej Jocif (whose great-grandmother was Jože Plečnik’s niece).

The live statue of Jože Plečnik is going to stand at the Breg embankment at the House of Sports (Hiša športa) every Wednesday and Saturday until September from 11:00 till 13:30 (with two breaks in between). In case of rain the erection is cancelled.