Monday, 29. 6. 2015

Ljubljana at the Berlin Pride Parade

At the Berlin Pride Parade on 27 June 2015 Ljubljana presented itself as an LGBT-friendly city where differences are respected and where everyone can find a place of their own.

The Pride Parade, held in Berlin since 1979, was opened jointly by the Mayor of Berlin and the Slovenian ambassador Marta Kos Marko. The slogan of this year’s parade was »We are all different. We are all the same.«
There were around 70 people on the Slovenian mobile stage, among them representatives of the City of Ljubljana and the Ljubljana Tourism institute accompanied by the dancing Ljubljana dragon which delighted the crowd. Slovenia presented itself as an open and tolerant country, especially in the light of the March amendment of the law equating the rights of heterosexual and same-sex couples. Ljubljana, the European Green Capital 2016, was introduced as an LGBT-friendly city where diversity is respected and where everyone can find a place of their own.
The two representatives of the City of Ljubljana met with a representative of the LGBT Office of the Berlin City Administration for an exchange of good practices in the field. They also visited a captivating exhibition titled »Homosexuality_ies« at the German History Museum which is addressing LGBT issues in different ways.