Tuesday, 9. 6. 2015

Ljubljana, Bike-friendly City

Ljubljana was for the first time placed on the list of 20 Most Bike-Friendly Cities on the Planet. We were ranked as 13th.

"The Copenhagenize Index 2015" has evaluated 122 cities, and only 20 of those has been ranked on the list of 20 most bike-friendly cities on the planet, of which Ljubljana for the first time.

The judges have noticed Ljubljana's cycling tradition for many years and being chosen as the European Green Capital 2016, it is focusing on increasing interest in cycling, which invigorates a city. They have noticed the City of Ljubljana activities, which aim for a place among top cycling cities in the world. The judges have commented Ljubljana is on a very good path for further development in city cycling.
"The Copenhagenize Index" list of bike-friendly cities on the planet has been announced since 2011 with Copenhagen and Amsterdam taking turns at first place. More details can be found here.