Wednesday, 10. 2. 2016

Ljubljana received the title European Green Capital

On 9 February in Brussels, Ljubljana officially received the title European Green Capital 2016.

In Ljubljana, European Green Capital 2016, we have made the highest number of changes with regard to quality of life in the shortest time, in the opinion of the European Commission. Already in 2007 with the creation of the Vision Ljubljana 2025 we have embarked on the path of sustainable city development and are pursuing set goals within its framework – ensuring quality of life for all residents of our green, safe, clean and orderly city.
The title is very important as it puts us on the European and global map of sustainable cities, and at the same time we are the only city in Central and South-East Europe to receive this prestigious title.

Deputy Mayor Tjaša Ficko underlined that we are very proud of the award, which is the result of teamwork of the big city family and our residents. She added that in the opinion of the international jury who awarded us with the title we are successful in combining two aspects: we are preserving the nature and Ljubljana’s green character, and at the same time were actively changing areas which were until recently not green. It is important to have a vision and the courage to achieve set goals, and the team lead by Mayor Zoran Janković is very successful in that respect.
She also stated that there are many challenges ahead of us this year which we will not only face but overcome them, as well, and be the best green capital so far.

Mayor Zoran Janković – the title European Green Capital 2016 was handed over to him by the Mayor of Bristol George Ferguson, that is, last year’s title holder city – stressed in his acceptance speech that this is the most important title a city can receive. At the same time, he underlined the need for solidarity, especially towards future generations, so they inherit well preserved nature that we have. He added the award is also important for business – for instance, Ljubljana received the title future tourist destination and because of the positive effects of the title we recorded an 18% increase of tourists last year.
The Mayor expects the title will promote further development of tourism and investments; in this regard, he especially underscored the beginning of the construction of the first five-star hotel and Ikea’s arrival to Ljubljana.
He also took this opportunity to invite everyone to Ljubljana, the most beautiful city in the world.

The Ljubljana Festival also presented itself in Brussels with a concert after the ceremony at the Brussels cultural centre Bozar, where the band Laibach performed with the RTV Slovenia Symphony Orchestra.

The City of Ljubljana has prepared a year-round programme during the »green« year as well as numerous events and activities in cooperation with different stakeholders, including City of Ljubljana public institutes and companies, primary schools and kindergartens, and non-governmental organisations.

You are invited to follow the program, activities and events during the green year at our interactive website