Monday, 25. 8. 2014

Ljubljana sends help to flooded areas

The City of Ljubljana promptly responded to the catastrophic floods which had hit Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Croatia in May. In the scope of the City of Ljubljana action we raised the aid in the amount of over 200,000 € for the flood-stricken areas.

On the day of the charity concert the amount of 48,000 € was mobilised through the SMS donations and transferred onto the Slovenian Red Cross account as part of that aid.

You will recall that the City of Ljubljana sent help to the affected areas immediately after the devastating floods. Already on 17 May 2014, the members of the Ljubljana Public Fire Service joined the rescue operations in the flooded areas, while the City of Ljubljana contributed 20,000 € worth financial assistance from the budget reserve fund to its twin towns and sister cities. A few days later, on 28 May 2014, additional 58 members of the Ljubljana Public Fire Service – Department for Protection, Rescue and Relief and the VO-KA public company were dispatched to Bijeljina, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Together with 21 vehicles and proper equipment they carried out all necessary tasks. This was Ljubljana's most extensive international involvement in the rescue forces so far.

After opening a special City of Ljubljana relief account, Mayor Zoran Janković addressed a public appeal to all employees of the City Administration as well as public companies and institutes working under the governance of the City of Ljubljana to raise funds. At the same time also the preparation for the organisation of the charity concert at the Congress Square scheduled for 3 June 2014 commenced. The concert was organised completely free-of-charge, since all the performers waived royalties. 154,735.72 € were raised on the special City of Ljubljana relief account for the affected Balkan areas, 20,000 € was allocated from the City of Ljubljana budget reserve fund, while the Slovenian Red Cross raised additional 48,617.00 € through the SMS donation campaign. During the concert over 6 tons of material aid, mostly blankets, hygiene instruments and food was collected.

After the concert, Mayor Zoran Janković sent a letter to the Prime Ministers of Croatia, Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina asking for the information where the collected means should be allocated to in order to reach the intended destinations. 15,000 € was allocated to Croatia, while Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia received 79,868 € each.