Tuesday, 12. 4. 2011

Ljubljana technology park

For the last 15 years, LTP has been providing favourable conditions for the development and growth of knowledge-based entrepreneurship.

In its provision of infrastructure and specialised business advisory services, Ljubljana Technology Park symbolises free thinking, and promotes innovation, boldness and creativity.

A supportive business environment as showcased by Ljubljana Technology Park is an effective mechanism for the development of the regional economy, since the applied support services contribute to the more rapid emergence and acceleration of business growth as well as enabling their efficient performance in foreign markets. The idea of a technological park was first floated in the early 1980s by the largest Slovenian Institute 'Jožef Stefan' when it set up its spin-off company INEA. The concept later germinated in 1992 into a technology park project within the Jožef Stefan Institute.

Two years after that, the Jožef Stefan Institute, the National Institute of Chemistry, the National Institute of Biology, the Technological Development Fund (later the Development Corporation of Slovenia), Iskratel, Iskra Systems and the pharmaceutical company Lek founded the Ljubljana Technology Park. At the outset at Teslova Ulica 30, Ljubljana Technology Park had nine firms under its wing, to whom three staff members offered professional support and help.

The ever-increasing interest of young innovators and technologically advanced companies to be part of Ljubljana Technology Park soon meant that the existing infrastructure and space at Teslova Ulica 30 (4,700m²) was outgrown. But it was only with recapitalisation by the City of Ljubljana in the form of land and a consortium of 23 partners that Ljubljana Technology Park prepared an infrastructure project for a technology centre in Brdo which was a successful candidate for funding in a 2004 tender of the Slovenian Ministry of the Economy. For the construction of infrastructure facilities at Ljubljana Technology Park at Brdo grants were obtained from the European Regional Development Fund (€8 million) and the remaining share of the investment was assured by Ljubljana Technology Park in the form of credit lines. With this project, to a total value of €42 million, Ljubljana Technology Park raised its infrastructural capacity and thus today provides businesses within its domain eight units covering more than 65,000m² of modern commercial and service premises.

Up to now, Ljubljana Technology Park has assisted more than 472 start-ups, has adopted 222 business plans, and has helped in the creation and operation of 146 firms, of which 19 companies have not fulfilled their business plans or have ceased operating. Today Ljubljana Technology Park, of which the City of Ljubljana is the majority owner, unites and links just under 300 innovative and technological firms, of which 150 are less than three years old and thus in the incubation stage.

Business support via cheap premises is the foundation of the complete range of Ljubljana Technology Park's support and business services, performed by Ljubljana Technology Park's expert team with selected external professionals. Thus the Park's activities are not directed solely at the creation of large numbers of new jobs, but above all at the creation of jobs with higher added value and at business models intended to create wealth in society.

Ljubljana Technology Park's strategic plans relate to the vision of setting up an internationally recognised support environment and business centre for the growth of globally competitive and innovative knowledge-based entrepreneurship.

In the future, Ljubljana Technology Park is to follow four strategic goals:

1. develop a centre for information and communication technology,
2. develop a centre for medical research,
3. reinforce Ljubljana Technology Park as an example of good practice in the use of environmentally friendly technologies,
4. start with new programmes: a 'Start:up' Centre, 'Go Global Slovenia' as well as promotion of the park and its members under the brand 'Created in Ljubljana Technology Park'.