Wednesday, 22. 1. 2014

Ljubljana tourism awarded

For its project »Visit Ljubljana: Tours and Trips as Experiences«, the City of Ljubljana's public institute Ljubljana Tourism won the Digital Tourism Think Tank Award in the category of »Web content strategies«.

This is the second year in a row that the international association Digital Tourism Think Tank announced the best digital practices of the past year on their website, selected among destinations and national tourism organizations. Ljubljana tourism entered the competition by submitting a project titled »Visit Ljubljana: Tours and Trips as Experiences«, intended to connect the tourism agencies' offer with the selection of trips across Slovenia, sold via different websites.

For the past few years, Ljubljana Tourism has been using its web space Visit Ljubljana to offer not only guided tours of Ljubljana, but also trips across Slovenia, carried out by local tourism agencies. What is special about this project is the fact that it successfully connects local tourism agencies by selling their travel arrangements and at the same time encourages them to constantly keep improving and implementing innovations into their programmes, driven by the increasing sales.

With this project, Ljubljana is effectively presenting itself as a »city for discovering Slovenia«, whereby the quality of the joint cooperation with the trip providers is currently among the best in Europe. With the help of cooperation with local tourism agencies, Ljubljana Tourism managed to extend the offer for the city's visitors from merely discovering Ljubljana during one of the guided city tours to exploring the city's wider region and later on discovering the rest of Slovenia, all in a tourist friendly and organized way.

Increased sales, which went from 687 trips sold in 2009 to 1,746 sold in 2013, prove that they are on the right track. Along with the increase in sales, Ljubljana Tourism also managed to significantly multiply the range of experiences offered to the travellers visiting Ljubljana.

The project of Ljubljana Tourism was awarded along with the mobile application Stockholm. More information about the Digital Tourism Think Tank Award is available here. Among other things, here you can take a look at the award ceremony and the project application with an explanation as well as see its presentation.