Monday, 9. 4. 2018

LL VIVA specialized store opened its doors

In Ljubljana, at Prisojna ulica 7, LL Viva has opened its doors, the first specialized store for medical devices, non-prescription medicine and other products for maintaining health and well-being.

The store was opened by LL Grosist, founded by Lekarna Ljubljana. They are developing specialized stores LL Viva in response particularly to the needs of the elderly who are increasingly faced with chronic ailments and those who are aware of the significance of a healthy lifestyle.

The first concern of LL Viva is maintenance of health, well-being and physical fitness, and improving the quality of life in all age groups, especially among the elderly and people with special needs. In the range of products available at LL Viva are aids to help the elderly with everyday tasks and aids for movement-impaired people, orthopaedic footwear, braces, diagnostic equipment, products for injury and wound treatment, cosmetic and personal hygiene products, children’s programme, and foods for special diets and medicinal purposes.

LL Viva, located in the immediate vicinity of the University Medical Centre Ljubljana, is open Monday to Friday between 9.00 and 17.00.