Thursday, 16. 10. 2014

Local elections 2014

On 5 October 2014, Ljubljana held the elections for the Mayor of the City of Ljubljana and Ljubljana City Council members. The current Mayor Zoran Janković was elected already in the first round with 57.5 % of all the votes.

Mayor Zoran Janković will begin the new term in office on Monday, 20 October 2014 at the inaugural meeting of the Ljubljana City Council where he will solemnly swear the oath of office. The terms of office for the elected city councillors will also be confirmed at the aforementioned meeting.

The following candidate lists were elected into the 45-member MOL City Council:
- the Zoran Janković List with 21 councillors,
- the SDS (Slovenian Democratic Party) with 7 councillors,
- the SMC Party (the Party of Miro Cerar) which will be represented by 6 councillors,
- the United Left and the New Slovenia parties with 3 councillors respectively,
- the Social Democrats and the DESUS (Democratic Party of Pensioners of Slovenia) with 2 councillors respectively,
- the SLS (the Slovenian People's Party) with 1 councillor.