Thursday, 12. 6. 2014

Lonely planet recommends ljubljana

The renowned tourist guide, Lonely Planet, has placed Ljubljana as second most worthy of visiting destination in Europe, "Best in Europe 2014" in its US online edition of ten European destinations to visit this year.

Ljubljana has placed on the list as "one of the most green and friendly European cities", noted for its "vibrant cultural, coffee shop and night rhythm which creates the atmosphere of constant street party." The Lonely Planet particularly mentions this year's celebration of 2000 years of the Roman city of Emona with a series of "ingenious events with Roman motif, yearlong exhibitions and the central event of Ave Emona (22 to 24 August), which will send the city centre's Kongresni Trg Square travelling back in time." Ljubljana is an excellent starting point with its wide selection of affordable bus transports for exploring Slovenia, which is "as picturesque as Switzerland, but much more friendly to your wallet."

This is the second consecutive year for the Lonely Planet to publish the list "Best in Europe". The editorial department creates the list by placing destinations which have invoked interest in the USA in the last years, and those which have always been popular with the American population, but are especially interesting in the following year for novelties or interesting activity.

This year's first place goes to Greece, followed by Ljubljana, and the southeast of England in the third place and Italy in the fourth, and Denmark in the fifth place with emphasis on its Viking tradition. The entire list is available here.

The high placing of Ljubljana is a clear sign of its remarkable tourist potential on the US market, which has been signalled for years by the enthusiastic American visitors in the Tourism Ljubljana. At the same time it is an excellent promotion of our capital and its breakthrough in market interest. CNN was the first to announce the news on the "Best in Europe" list. Ljubljana and its placement has been this year in the spotlight of many leading American and world media.

The Lonely Planet guide has also published an e-book, Secret Europe for all travellers, who plan on visiting Europe this year with a list of best, and yet undiscovered gems of Europe, among them Ljubljana as expected.