Monday, 23. 4. 2018

Man, Take Care of Your City: pick up dog waste

In the City of Ljubljana we are rapidly raising awareness with the socially responsible campaign »Man, take care of your city.« for the third consecutive year calling attention to the unacceptability of vandalism and stressing the significance of respect for our common public space.

Picking up dog waste again in the spotlight

Raising awareness among citizens and visitors on the importance of picking up dog waste was again in the spotlight during this year’s campaign For a More Beautiful Ljubljana as we put up posters »Do you think this is OK?!« and organised a thematic event in the Tivoli Park.

In the area called the Dog Straight which is most popular among dog walkers we collected dog waste and marked the spots with balloons carrying the message »DOG WASTE WAS FOUND HERE. Man – do you think this is OK?!« This way carless dog owners were clearly shown the consequences of not picking up faeces behind their pets.

Also taking part in the campaign by giving out biodegradable dog waste bags were the city inspectors and members of the Young Dragons’ field team, the Street Dragons.

Preventive controls and distribution of biodegradable bags

Inspectors from the City Administration of the City of Ljubljana are also performing preventive controls and issuing warnings, and they are raising awareness by giving out biodegradable dog waste bags to dog owners. The bags are also being distributed by district communities and in the narrow city centre the Kavalirs were giving them out within the scope of the campaign.

Setting up dog toilets and emptying dog waste bins

In Tivoli Park and in the district community Vič two open-air dog toilets are set up, and in the area of the City of Ljubljana there are 234 dog posts on public surfaces where dog owners can dispose of dog waste.

In the area of the City of Ljubljana there are 234 dog waste bins set up where rolls of bags are regularly changed. We are no longer setting up new bins for dog waste in new locations as the dog bins are now being replaced with the so called Koško bins equipped with bags.

Dog owners can use a bag to pick up dog faeces and dispose of it in a bin for mixed communal waste.

The public waste management company empties the existing dog bins on daily basis, that is, every other day, depending on the degree the location is frequented.