Tuesday, 1. 3. 2016

March, Water Month

Ljubljana, European Green Capital, has entered the third month of the green year dedicated to the topic of responsible water management.

Responsible water management

We are proud Ljubljana is one of few European capitals where we can drink high-quality tap water that has not undergone any mechanical treatment. For centuries safe water supply in Ljubljana relies on resources in the immediate vicinity of the city, and the public company Vodovod-Kanalizacija, responsible for water supply and sewerage system management, is utilizing our water resources in a sensible and sustainable manner to preserve our high-quality drinking water for the coming generations.

Point.For you.

The green year is divided into theme months, and March is the month of responsible water management, as on 22 March we mark the World Water Day. The daily activities at the information office Point.For you. set up in front of the City Hall are coordinated by the public company Vodovod Kanalizacija in cooperation with green ambassadors, namely, district communities Vič and Center, and other stakeholders.
Among other events, the company is organising presentations of urban water lines in the city environment of Ljubljana, community infrastructure development plans, and the results of the underground water and surface watercourses quality monitoring in our city, as well as lectures on the importance of water levels and the calculation of the water bill.
On the first three Saturdays the company is presenting its vehicle fleet in front of the City Hall, accompanied by fun and educational games for children and adults. A lot of attention is being put on the awareness raising among children and the youth on the significance of high-quality drinking water – educational workshops have been prepared for the children, an on-line quiz on responsible water management, family workshops and numerous other events, and, in addition, the first three Fridays and Saturdays in March the company’s pipe-like mascot Cevko is holding creative classes and children’s workshops.
Interesting events are planned on 22 March, World Water Day, in front of the City Hall which is going to take on a different look with special evening lighting.

Point.For you. is open daily, from 10.00 to 18.00 in winter, and two hours longer in summer, that is, until 20.00.

District Communities – European Green Capital 2016 Ambassadors

Ljubljana’s district communities are actively involved in the green capital programme, each of them acting as a green ambassador for three weeks. On 23 February, the District Community Vič took up the baton, and its mission concludes on 13 March when the District Community Center is taking over the ambassadorship.
Within the scope of its programme, in cooperation with the public company Vodovod¬ Kanalizacija, the District Community Vič has prepared workshops led by Cevko for pupils at the primary school Vič and children at the kindergarten Viški gaj; Cevko is also visiting children at other kindergartens and schools every week in March. On 3 March, the residents can visit the Reuse Centre and go on a tour of the Ljubljana Regional Waste Management Centre (RCERO) Ljubljana, organised in cooperation with the public company Vodovod¬ Kanalizacija.
At the end of its ambassadorship the District Community Vič is preparing a clean-up on Saturday, 12 March.

Details on the European Green Capital 2016 are available on the website www.greenljubljana.com.