Monday, 17. 10. 2022

Mayor received the highest recognition from the Union of the Associations for the Values of the National Liberation Movement of Slovenia

On 12 October 2022, at the event marking the conclusion of Kajuh's year, Mayor Zoran Janković received the Acknowledgement of the Union of the Associations for the Values of the National Liberation Movement of Slovenia, the highest recognition for his personal contribution to preserving the historical truth about the national liberation movement and respecting and upholding the values of the struggle in the present.

The President of the Union of the Associations for the Values of the National Liberation Movement of Slovenia, Marijan Križman, and the President of the Association of Fighters Ljubljana, Julka Žibert, presented the Mayor with the recognition. At the event, they highlighted the Mayor's commitment to the values of the national liberation struggle, preserving its memory and resisting any attempts to devalue it, which he shows as the Mayor of Ljubljana, the Hero City. In their opinion, the Mayor deserves great credit for the international preservation, recognition and respect of the anti-fascist history of Ljubljana, the Hero City, and its reputation as an open, freedom-loving community, in which the memory of the anti-fascist struggle and the unbreakable rebellion of the people under the leadership of the Liberation Front is an inexhaustible source of positive energy of life and development of the capital of Slovenia.

The Mayor thanked the members of the Union of the Associations for the Values of the National Liberation Movement of Slovenia and said that the recognition means a lot to him, promising that it will always be displayed in the most visible place in his office.

He pointed out that Ljubljana is a Hero City, proud of its history and partisans who, together with their allies, defeated the greatest evil of the 20th century – Nazism and Fascism. He said that we must not allow the distortion of historical facts because a nation that does not respect its history has no future. »As long as I am the Mayor, there will be no monument to domestic traitors in Ljubljana,« he stated with determination.

In his address, he also looked at the current political situation in Europe and beyond and assessed that there is a lack of decisive and influential leaders who should come to an agreement for money to be used for food production instead of weapons. »I strongly condemn any war, and it is better to have a year of talks than a day of war,« said the Mayor and concluded that he is proud of Ljubljana, the citizens of Ljubljana, where different people live together in harmony with mutual respect.