Tuesday, 26. 6. 2018

Mayor Zoran Janković at the ICLEI World Congress

Mayor Zoran Janković and Deputy Mayor Tjaša Ficko attended the ICLEI World Congress in Montreal, and, in addition, the Mayor of the city Valérie Plante invited them to a reception.

The main theme of this World Congress was circular economy. At the plenary session Mayor Zoran Janković presented Ljubljana’s strategy in the field and then together with Deputy Mayor Tjaša Ficko they revealed the activities and good practices in progress during the transition into circular economy.

ICLEI (International Council for Local Environment Initiatives) is an organisation comprised of over 1500 local governments from 70 countries worldwide. Ljubljana is a member since 2015, when we joined the organisation at the invitation of its representative who was also in the expert jury selecting the European Green Capital 2016.


On the margins of the conference Mayor Zoran Janković and Deputy Mayor also had a reception with the Mayor of Montreal Valérie Plante, and on the occasion the Mayor signed the Golden Book of Montreal.

ICLEI is committed to building a sustainable society. Its members are local governments, city associations and regional urban associations, and its current President is the Mayor of Bonn Ashok Sridharan.