Tuesday, 24. 4. 2018

Mayor Zoran Janković received the high award of the Federal State of Vienna

On 23 April 2018, Mayor Zoran Janković received from the hands of Mayor and Governor of Vienna Dr Michael Häupl the Grand Decoration of Honour in Gold for Services of the Federal State of Vienna.

Upon receiving the recognition, Mayor Zoran Janković said that he is greatly honoured. »Such honour is immeasurable,« he underscored and added he is proud to have been able to work with his colleague and friend Michael Häupl for 12 years to provide quality of life to citizens of Vienna and Ljubljana. He emphasized that Michael Häupl is the best mayor in Europe and a giant of European politics, a role model for cooperation between cities and in the broader field, who gave all of us the chance to find what is good for the development of European cities. »Colleague Michael Häupl will continue to serve as a benchmark for all mayors of European cities as there is an increasing need for mayors who know, in lately quite confused European politics, what cities need«, said the Mayor and expressed his belief that good relations between the cities shall continue under the new mayor succeeding Häupl on 24 May this year.

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This is already the 25th recognition Zoran Janković received and the 11th as a mayor, it is also one of the two recognitions dearest to his heart. The Mayor again expressed his gratitude for this immense recognition and honour awarded to him by the city of Vienna and its Mayor Michael Häupl.

Mayor and Governor of Vienna Dr Michael Häupl said, among other things, the Mayor deserves the recognition for his services in bringing Vienna and Ljubljana together and for introducing city politics into Europe. He particularly underscored that the City Council of Vienna unanimously approved the award of the recognition to Mayor Zoran Janković demonstrating the immense respect Mayor Zoran Janković enjoys in Vienna.