Wednesday, 22. 4. 2015

Meeting of Mayors of EU Capitals with Commissioner Corina Creţu

Mayor Zoran Janković and Deputy Mayor Tjaša Ficko attended the meeting of Mayors of the European Union capitals with the Commissioner for Regional Policy Corina Creţu.

The participants of the meeting emphasised the importance of cooperation between the cities and the European Union, while the Commissioner promised a close cooperation with the capital cities and assistance in obtaining the funds to attain concrete results.

Mayor Zoran Janković stressed out the importance of the stronger position of the cities in making European policies and decisions. He said that the mayors should be more autonomous in developing their cities and independent from national political governments. He congratulated the host – the Mayor and Governor of Vienna Michael Häupl and emphasised that after 20 years of successful mayoralty in Vienna he sees him as a paragon.

Mayor Zoran Janković also mentioned the prestigious awards received by Ljubljana – European Green Capital Award 2016 and Tourism for Tomorrow which places Ljubljana at the very top of the sustainable destinations in the world.

At this meeting they also adopted the Vienna Declaration by the Mayors of the EU Capital Cities – "A strong voice in Europe" and attributed a greater importance of cities in all decision-making procedures of the European Union. The Mayor Zoran Janković supported the Declaration stressing out its great importance for the future development of cities and quality of life of their people.