Thursday, 23. 2. 2017

Multigenerational centre NšPlac

On 22 February 2017, the Cene Štupar Public Institute and its partners opened the multigenerational centre N'šPlac, a meeting and socialising place for different generations, with the aim of increasing the quality of life and promoting social inclusion of different vulnerable groups.

In addition to diverse high-quality programmes and activities accessible to all, the centre also has an information office operating at four different locations where participants can get information on activities the Multigenerational Centre Ljubljana offers and all other information from the local environment the participants need.
One more important aim of the multigenerational centre is based on the establishment of an active network for operations and connections between the project leader and all key partners as well as for connecting and cooperating with many other associated organisations. This way the Multigenerational Centre Ljubljana will cover a wide area and a large share of residents in the Central Slovenia region, it will meet the needs of vulnerable groups and contribute to the enrichment of knowledge, methods, practices and different approaches to work.
The multigenerational centre N'šPlac is located at Kališnikov trg 12, it is open from Monday to Friday between 8.00 and 18.00. During that time, in addition to socialising informally, reading newspapers, watching TV, playing social games and informing themselves, the members can take part in different movement, cognitive, creative and social activities at least four hours per day (for instance workshops and training in the field of information and communication technology, physical and mental exercises, personal growth workshops, self-help groups, educational workshops in the field of e-administration, inheritance law and financial literacy, urban workshops for the youth, children’s bazaar, holiday activities and many other programmes).