Monday, 17. 12. 2018

New space for spending quality free time opened

Within the framework of the comprehensive set-up of the Muste Park, after opening the family park in spring we have now opened the new renovated left embankment of the Ljubljanica River.

We have cleaned up the area, removed the waste, cut the vegetation, planted the hedges, constructed a walking path and installed urban equipment. On the gravel part of the embankment we have designed a beach where we have set up concreate sunbathing surfaces. We have also planted the missing trees in the avenue and a lawn.

Muste Family Park

180413 otvoritev parka Muste nrovan 8

The newly renovated area includes the Muste Family Park which opened in April this year. A playground was set up there with play equipment for children of all age groups, also appropriate for movement impaired children. A public urban orchard was planted with 64 fruit trees and an avenue.

And so, citizens gained a new green space for quality spending of their free time

The value of the investment was approximately 247,000 euro.