Wednesday, 24. 2. 2021

New URBforDAN project contents

The European project URBforDAN – Management and Utilization of Urban Forests as Natural Heritage in Danube Cities, within the scope of which we installed new equipment in the Golovec city forest and enriched it with interesting, educational and informative content, is expanded and extended for another six months.

The project will continue until 30 September 2021 and Šmarna gora is also getting a makeover.

The expansion and extension of activities were approved at the beginning of February this year by the Monitoring Committee for the supervision of the Interreg Transnational Danube Program. The City of Ljubljana, as the leading partner of the project, is going to receive additional 81,600 EUR from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) as part of the expansion.

The value of the project for the whole partnership is going to increase by almost 270,000 EUR from European funds. Namely, in addition to the City of Ljubljana, six other project partners (the cities of Zagreb, Cluj-Napoca and Ivano-Frankivsk, and the Slovenian Forest Service, Hrvatske Šume d.o.o. and the Cluj-Napoca Metropolitan Organization) are included in the extension of URBforDAN project activities to additional focus areas in city forests.