Wednesday, 2. 11. 2016

November, Month of Climate Change Adaptation

Ljubljana, European Green Capital 2016, has entered the eleventh month of the green year dedicated to the theme of climate change adaptation.
Point.For you.

The holder of this month’s theme is the energy company Energetika Ljubljana, which is celebrating 155 years of gas supply, 55 years of heat supply and 50 years of cogeneration of heat and electricity. Numerous admission free activities and events related to energy and climate change adaptation are going to be held at the information office Point.For you. and other locations in Ljubljana.
The programme is divided into several subjects:
Energy consulting services – all energy sources for the comfort in your home
Visitors to the information office Point.For you. can ask the representatives of Energetika Ljubljana to recommend the most appropriate heating system for their needs, and to help them with advice in the broader area of energy use and with regard to obtaining subsidies. In addition, consultants at the ENSVET advisory network are going to hold different lectures on the topic of efficient and environmentally friendly energy use.
My city – my air: local measures for global impact
Within this scope special attention is going to be put on the presentation of the research findings on black carbon, which is, after carbon dioxide, the second most important cause of global warming and a significant contributor to climate change. The research, conducted within the framework of the GreenLight WorldFlight project uncovering many new pollution hotspots around the world, was supported by the City of Ljubljana, as well.
Open doors day at the Energetika Ljubljana
District heating and natural gas supply also contribute significantly to air quality in Ljubljana. This part of the programme is intended for those who would like to take a walk through the history of gas supply services in Ljubljana and see up close how an energy plant operates. Energetika Ljubljana is offering several expert guided tours of the Gas Museum and the TE-TOL heat and electric energy unit.
Driving on natural gas for a cleaner daily life
The information point is presenting to its visitors vehicles running on compressed natural gas or methane. These are environmentally friendly vehicles as they produce less harmful emissions, no hard particles and less noise. The visors are also going to receive useful information on charging stations, car charging and fuel.
Protect our planet – children’s programme
The children are going to learn about climate change, facing our planet, together with literary characters the bear Pi and the penguin Pingo. In addition to reading eco stories and playing eco games, they also going to compete in an eco debate and an eco quiz, and Dr Eco with his puppet show is also coming to visit.
The programme at the office Point.For you. is going to be complemented by activities in the district communities Dravlje and Šiška as well as numerous other events. Over 70 events are planned during the whole month of November.

The information office Point. For you. is open every day from 10.00 till 18.00.
The programme and detailed information about individual events are available in the Events section of the website and in front of the information office.

District communities – European Green Capital 2016 ambassadors

Ljubljana’s district communities are actively participating in the programme of the green capital, namely, each one is going to serve as a green ambassador for three weeks. The current ambassador is the district community Dravlje which is passing the baton to the district community Šiška on 21 November.
On 10 and 11 November, the district community Dravlje is holding a presentation at the information office Point.For you.
On Thursday, 10 November, in cooperation with the singing association PD Rožmarin, the children from the kindergarten Vrtec Mojca are preparing an event featuring singing, dancing and reciting with an emphasis on intergenerational cooperation and quality coexistence. While on Friday, 11 November, they are preparing a programme in cooperation with the sailing club Jadralni klub Odisej. They are going to present the activities of the club and prepare a practical workshop where the participants are going to learn about main sea knots and how to use them. The work shop is appropriate for all ages, even for children.
You are invited to follow the programme, activities and events of the green year on the interactive website