Saturday, 1. 10. 2016

October – Month Dedicated to Wood

Ljubljana, European Green Capital 2016, has entered the tenth month of the green year dedicated to wood – nature’s invaluable gift.

In October we are highlighting the importance of forests, wood and green surfaces for safeguarding biodiversity and providing a healthy living environment for people and animals. Forests play a key role in mitigating climate change and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Slovenia is extremely rich in forests which are, in addition to being significant for the environment as mentioned before, a generator of numerous jobs in the wood industry.

Point.For you.

The Department for Environmental Protection within the City Administration of the City of Ljubljana is preparing, in cooperation with different operators, diverse green activities and numerous adventures at the information office Point.For you. so its visitors can have some fun in their free time.
The programme starts on Saturday, 1 October, with the presentation of club activities at the Third Age University in Sevnica on the topic of wood and forests, and the exhibition of wooden lamps and driftwood picture frames by Javor Škerlj Vogelnik.
On Tuesday, 4 October, the poster exhibition titled »Forest Challenges« by the Slovenia Forest Service is opening in the right atrium of the City Hall.
On 5 October, lecturers from the Department of Forestry and Renewable Forest Resources at the Biotechnical Faculty of the University of Ljubljana are launching a month-long series of tree presentations aimed at different focus groups. They are also preparing special children’s workshops on trees and forest animals.
Different presentations and lectures on forests and wood are also organised by the Slovenia Forest Service in cooperation with its partners.
On 12 October, the Geological Survey of Slovenia is organising workshops on rocks, minerals and fossils, and it is also offering guided geologically themed walks in the city centre (every hour on the hour between 10.00 and 16.00).
Ljubljana’s schools and kindergartens, the Ljubljana City Library and the Slovenian Museum of Natural History are organising diverse thematic workshops, in Barbara Rudolf’s workshop children are making board games out of wood scraps (11 October), Global Shapers Ljubljana is holding two lectures on sustainable development and ethical consumption (10 and 11 October), and the members of the Woodieful team, after successfully concluding their Kickstarter campaign, are presenting an adaptable piece of furniture, the Woodieful Chair (4 October). They are also preparing a round table on wood usage by young designers/startups in Slovenia (22 October).

Collecting used computers

he Point.For you. is collecting used computers from 3 October until 3 November. The collection point is operated by the social company TIP&TAP which wants to give consumers the option to act prudently when buying a computer – to save money, help the society and reduce electronic waste. Namely, the company will renovate used computers with the help of employees from vulnerable social groups (individuals who lack opportunities because of their age or labour market restrictions) and put them back on the market.
Since the beginning of October, the information office Point.For you. is open every day from 10.00 until 18.00.
You can follow the programme and get detailed information on individual activities in the Events column on the website or at the information office Point.For you. in front of the City Hall.


District communities – European Green Capital 2016 ambassadors

Ljubljana’s district communities are also actively taking part in the programme of the green capital, namely, until the end of the year, each one is going to serve as a green ambassador for three weeks. The current ambassador is the District Community Trnovo which is going to pass the baton to the District Community Polje on 10 October.
On 14, 21 and 28 October, the representatives of the District Community Polje are coming to the information office Point.For you. to present the rural area in the eastern part of Ljubljana and the activities of local societies dedicated to healthy living, show gardening skills to those who don’t have a garden of their own, make dolls and carve pumpkins for Halloween, and offer homemade traditional delicacies prepared by the housewives. 
You are invited to follow the programme, activities and the events of the green year on the interactive website