Friday, 16. 9. 2016

On-call Transport: EURBAN

The public passenger transport company LPP is introducing two sustainable measures within the scope of the European Mobility Week: on-call transport with EURBAN electric vehicles and the inclusion of bicycles in public transport.

On-call transport EURBAN

The on-call transport with EURBAN is being introduced as one of the public passenger transport services. As it is using only electric vehicles, in addition to raising the quality of service for its users, it is welcome in the environmental sense, namely there are no harmful emissions.
The EURBAN service is going to be provided in two ways, that is, according to a predetermined published timetable and an adjustable timetable.
Using the service according to the predetermined published timetable is like using the bus passenger system. Passengers enter and exit vehicles on regular bus lines and at bus stops, the only difference being that they have to request the service in advance. The service is envisaged in areas where buses are driving less frequently or where there are less passengers on certain days or at certain times during the day. The times of the availability of the EURBAN service are going to be indicated on the timetables for individual lines. During the ride other passengers can enter the car. The number of passengers in the electric vehicle is limited to the number of people the vehicle is registered for.
The first line to introduce the service on trial basis is number 26 (Tuji Grm-Mali Lipoglav). The public passenger transport company LPP is going to monitor passengers’ reactions on which it is going to base its decision regarding the inclusion of other lines in the EURBAN service. Passengers are going to be charged for the basic service according to the public passenger transport pricelist. Payment is going to be made with the Urbana card or mobile phones.
In addition, the public passenger transport company is planning to introduce on-call transport with an adjustable timetable. If a passenger requests transport outside the published timetable according to the adjustable timetable the service is going to be performed only for that customer. He has to give his consent to pick up an additional passenger. The pricelist for the service, which is going to be part of the public economic service and for which a uniform price for the whole area of the City of Ljubljana is expected, is going to be proposed for the adoption in the City Council of the City of Ljubljana. The service is going to be launched after the adoption of the pricelist.
Inclusion of bicycles in public transport
Keeping in mind sustainability with regard to excursions on passenger lines the public passenger transport company Ljubljanski potniški promet is adopting measures for the improvement of cyclists’ mobility on LPP’s intercity and integrated lines. The activity »Take the bike on the bus« (»S kolesom na bus«) which started some time ago when the company Ljubljanski potniški promet introduced the option of transporting folding bicycles on board buses operating on LPP network lines. This year LPP is introducing a trailer for 20 bikes for the transport of organised groups of cyclists in combination with bus transport.
By the end of the year the company Ljubljanski potniški promet is going to equip buses operating on five chosen intercity lines with bicycle racks. Passengers with bikes will be able to enter or exit buses operating on LPP lines 3G, 48, 51, 56 and 60. The times of departures of buses equipped with bike racks are going to be indicated on their timetables.