Wednesday, 28. 9. 2022

Presenting the Hallerstein monument

At the end of the Gruden Embankment, next to the Šentjakob Bridge, we started assembling the base for the monument to the Slovenian Jesuit, mathematician, astronomer, cartographer and diplomat A. F. Hallerstein, who designed the Beijing star observatory during his life in China.

The star observatory is a remarkable achievement of Hallerstein's, in which, by combining the heliocentric design used in Europe and the equatorial arrangement, as was customary in China, he achieved a completely innovative and modern solution as is used in telescopes. The original stands at the old Beijing Astronomical Observatory and the replica will be donated to us by the Embassy of the Republic of China as an incentive to continue cultural relations between Slovenia and China.

The monument will consist of two parts: the first is a base with an inscription in the Slovenian and Chinese languages, and the second is a replica of Hallerstein's star observatory. The monument's surroundings will be arranged as a small platform, and the stone base will offer the possibility of sitting and socializing next to the memorial.